The main list with historical data is this google sheet.
Please let Kirk or one of the other owners of it know if you want write access to update.
- Cathleen
- Dan
- Declan
- Dom
- Kirk
- Noam
- Tom
Decide which day of the week.
Issues to consider:
- Mostly we try for a weeknight
- Sometimes we even stick with same weeknight for a period of time!
- If no weeknight good, Sat/Sun are options (as long as no gigs scheduled)
- Weather constraints
- Monday sometimes is less good after a gig on Sat/Sun (folks can be a bit tired)
- Friday can be harder because folks tend to have other plans (but don’t rule it out)
- (for winter months) Whether indoor space reserved already for a day that week
Decide location.
Issues to consider:
- The default is outdoors at Stony Brook station
- If on a weekend, and weather permits, we like to go to Pinebank Promontory
- If weather doesn’t permit, then a pre-arranged indoor space is only option
Create setlist.
- Hand-pick/curate the list yourself, or ask bandmates to put it together
- This makes sense if we have a higher-profile gig coming up soon
- OR use the setlist poll tool (get account from Kirk for Chart-O-Tron)
- Assign a due date for it (say, 2-3 days prior to practice)
Create Gig-O event.
- Include the setlist, or the link to the setlist poll (noting its deadline)
Identify who will be the Practice Facilitator.
- No later than 2 days prior– ask the person, get confirmation from them
- See “Rotation list of Practice Faciliators” at Chart-O-Tron
- Choose the person next on list, below who facilitated the most recent practice
- If they aren’t solid green at gig-o, go down the list to the next person who is
- (Note: the Practice Planner can miss practice if necessary!)
Confirm Gig-O event (and/or cancel it, if needed due to weather).
- As soon as a critical mass of people are green; no later than 2 days prior
- Identify the Practice Faciltator in the gig-o event
- To help them remember; and so following week can know who’s next
- If using setlist poll, include reminder “go fill out setlist poll” (with the link)
- IF NEEDED (DUE TO WEATHER): Cancel no later than 2 days prior